Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Today’s dental technology makes crowns, veneers, and tooth colored fillings that are very natural looking compared to early counterparts. There was a time when dentists placed silver fillings exclusively. This material is still used, however the most common material used today in fillings is composite, tooth-colored fillings. Composite fillings can be made to match any shade of tooth and even let light travel through them like natural enamel. Dr. Alina Bergan can replace any silver fillings you may have gotten with composite material to improve your smile.
Composite fillings are perfect in many different scenarios. The most obvious reason is when a cavity is present. This is an excellent way to seemingly erase the imperfection that once was. It is almost as if the cavity was never there.

Placing composite fillings to reshape teeth can also minimize excessive spacing. In the case of a diastema, (a large space between the two front teeth) composite material is a non-invasive and cost-effective choice that provides instant results. It can be an alternative to braces.
Mottled enamel is a symptom of fluorosis, which causes discoloration and imperfections in the enamel. Composites are the material of choice for masking this condition.
Composite fillings are easy to place, easy on the eyes, and easily repaired. With skill and good composite material, a filling can be easily disguised. This look is desired most in our society today, where dental perfection is now standard.

Your smile is well cared for with composite fillings. There are some great materials that give a near perfect match to the appearance of natural tooth enamel. Smile with confidence knowing no one will ever know you had dental work done. Your secret is safe with us at Alina Bergan DDS!

Call us today at 800-223-0801 to schedule an appointment in our Cedarhurst office. You can also schedule online at

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